Initial Token Distribution

GUSH was launched with a focus on the community, decentralization, and fairness.

Interactive Chart

The table below gives a high-level breakdown of the GUSH supply.

Additional details on each category can be found below.

Category# GUSH Tokens% Supply

Max Supply



Community Incentives



GUSH DAO Treasury



gUSHer Core Team



GUSH Boost-strapping Event



Early Contributors



Public Fair Launch LBP



Private Fundraise



Airdrop to vdUSH Holders



Airdrop to Early Adopters



Community Incentives

The majority of GUSH is allocated to community incentives to make up 51% of the maximum possible supply. This can be broken down into two overall categories:

30% unshETH LP / farm rewards (proportional to earned USH) and ecosystem/community incentives. Examples include:

  • gushyUSH Staking

  • unshETH Staking

  • unshETH Liquidity Hub

  • Partner integration incentive programs

21% gUSHer liquidity mining, distributed over 4 years:

  • GUSH/unshETH

  • gushyUSH/USH

gUSHer DAO Treasury

16% of the supply will be allocated to the gUSHer Treasury. All GUSH tokens allocated to the Treasury will be controlled by GUSH governance.

Up to 4% of the gUSHer DAO treasury will be rewarded to the core team as Total Value Locked (TVL) milestones are reached (1% for for every $25M, up to $100M).

gUSHer Core Team

For their help in launching the gUSHer protocol, 14% of the supply will be allocated to the core team. These tokens will be issued as esGUSH which creates an inherent 6 month cliff on all team tokens from issuance.

Additionally, esGUSH token issuance will take place over the course of 18 months. 1/3 on launch, 1/3 at month 6, and 1/3 at the year mark.

GUSH Boost-Strapping Event

5% of the supply will be allocated via the Boost-Strapping Event. 100% of the Boost-Strap proceeds will be converted to gushyUSH.

10% will be liquid as GUSH on protocol launch with the rest vesting over 12 months.

Additional details can be found in this blog post.

Early Contributors

5% of the supply will be allocated to early and future contributors that help to improve the protocol and contribute to the community.

All Early Contributor allocations must be issued as at least 50% esGUSH which will give an implicit minimum of 6 month vest.

Public Fair Launch LBP

4% of the supply was will be allocated to a LBP fair launch with proceeds used for initial protocol owned liquidity, smart contract audits, and other expenses to launch the protocol.

These tokens are available will be 100% liquid as GUSH at protocol launch.

Private Fundraise

3% of the supply was given to backers to fund initial liquidity, smart contract audits, and other expenses to launch the protocol.

Of this allocation, 10% will be issued as liquid GUSH at launch. The rest will be issued as esGUSH, half at launch and half at month 6. This creates an effective 12 month vest.

Airdrop to vdUSH Holders

1% of the supply will be allocated to existing vdUSH holders as esGUSH. This will be based on a snapshot prior to the launch of gUSHer.

These tokens will be vested linearly over 6 months.

Airdrop to Early Adopter Communities

1% of the supply will be allocated to early adopters as esGUSH. This will be based on a snapshot prior to the launch of gUSHer.

These tokens will be vested linearly over 6 months.

Last updated